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Rating 578040 Votes / Country USA / Ryan Coogler / Movie Info Black Panther is a movie starring Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, and Lupita Nyong'o. T'Challa, heir to the hidden but advanced kingdom of Wakanda, must step forward to lead his people into a new future and must confront a / 7,6 of 10 / Ryan Coogler
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If you want to see a good film with an African based protagonist, watch any variation of Tarzan or King Kong. Even Magilla Gorilla cartoons had richer dialogue, more finely developed characters and a lot more credibility. Ed Wood's Plan 9 From Outer Space, which is widely considered to be the worst film ever, was far more believable than this high budget, super hyped trash.
Stories with boundaries of imagination, as Rod Serling put it, still have rules within the fantasy worlds they create. If the premise of the story is a man who can read minds or a woman who is compelled to tell the truth, the reality of the created world stays within the walls of that premise. The mind reader can't just instantaneously develop super powers and use them to knock out his charging enemies. Superman can fly, toss buildings around, bend bridges and even turn back time but he can't just build a flying space ship around his body and have it shoot missiles at armies.
This film makes it up as it goes. Fights are decided based on how much strength and how many weapons instantly become accessible to a given warrior, at a given moment. If the filmmakers want someone to be losing a battle, his or her enemy will have the strength, weapons and indestructibility to win. If they want the fight to turn around, anything and everything the person needs to reverse it and emerge victorious will miraculously appear. There are no rules or boundaries within the reality they attempt to create, so in turn, there is zero credibility. People believe the impossible but not the improbable. This is an impossible story that throws in new improbables with virtually every frame.
IMDB users seem mostly unified in feeling that this film is beyond awful. For whatever reason, it still has a 98% score from Rotten Tomatoes. And for whatever reason, after I rented the film from my cable provider, I wasn't given the option of rating it. I guess, if millions of dollars are spent to promote a Hollywood blockbuster, sites like Rotten Tomatoes only allow those who support their agendas to vote.
Read the other IMDB reviews before you squander your time and money on this one. There are a limited number of hours in all of our lives and watching this film is a total waste of two of those hours.
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It is entertaining, but it does not reach more. a simple story that at times can be compared with others of the marvel spin-offs, they know what I mean. the heir to the throne and the fight of an enemy to prevent it.
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After hearing so much hype about this movie when it came out I finally decided to watch it and I don't see how it's getting all these 9/10 and 10/10 ratings. It's a decent super hero movie but the story telling isn't great and the end fight is full cgi that doesn't even look good. 6/10 is a good rating in my opinion as it's mowhere near the best marvel movie but not the worst either. Hopefully in a sequel they'll make black panther a better movie and give him the awesome solo movie he deserves.